Is your puppy ready for training? Proper training and socialization are key fundamentals for your pup to learn necessary behaviors before it's too late.

Basic training skills for pups (4-12 months)
The purpose of these training classes are to teach the pup & it’s family standard skills to promote a better behaved fur baby and a well adapted dog. All while educating the human family & surrounding environment to culminate a happy hound, & a happy home!
Group classes will be 45 minutes plus a 15 minute Q&A to wrap up class Class size: 4 Pre-registered guests, with room for 1-2 drop in guests depending on class size. Drop-ins can register until 4pm the day of the class.(May be smaller group limit if 3 for medium / large breed)

Education Standards
Puppy should know it’s name & be comfortable at responding with an ear peel or head tilt when name is said. *(please note puppy does not need to come when name is called at this level).
Puppy should have all vaccinations necessary for interaction with other pups.

To build a strong bond with pup & family, one that consists of structure, trust & discipline.
To encourage & build confidence in your canine companion.
To have a happy & loving home environment all can enjoy!

Materials Needed
A Puppy
A Human
(preferably one who will be in command & most prominent in time with pup)
A leash, harness &/or martingale collar
Verification of social vaccinations
Class Topics
Potty Training 101
This class will guide you & your pup into how to create a potty routine, how to best read signals from your pup when there’s a need to go, & how to create a structured potty schedule for less in-house mess.
Biting Be Gone
This class addresses puppy nipping, what to do about the uncomfortable’ play biting’ best tactics to curtail unwanted biting behaviors, & how to move through the teething phase like a pro.
Confident Socialization
In this class you & your pup will learn the basics on social skills, stranger interaction, appropriate play manners, & how to read & care for your pup if he/she is uncomfortable in a social situation.
Resource Guarding
Albeit brief, this topic is one of much importance. Here you will learn how to teach your pup to be confident & trusting while eating, chewing on bones or treat toys, while others are around.
Basic Commands
Sit. Stay. Come. Look here. The importance of each of these commands can be vital at any time during a pups life. Learn how to get your pup to know each of these on command.
Who's Walking Who
Take a comfortable & confident walk with your pup without being pulled all over the place. Learn how to get your pup to put his best paw forward & enjoy time together out on the town.
Down Dog
Have a dog who likes to jump a lot, on you? On the couch, counter, others? Learn how to keep your dog down & relaxed so that you can be too.
Please Note: Dawn uses a positive reinforcement method in her training approach. The use of fear based tactics will not be addressed in these classes. These are beginner classes in a small group setting.
If your pup is in need of behavior modification or you are unsure if these classes are suitable for you & your pup please email ahead of time at dawn@fullofsits.com for more information.
K-Play | Weekly 30 minute Sessions
This is a fun interactive playtime designed to offer puppies trainer supervised social play with an opportunity for pup parents to ask the trainer any questions they may have.
This will not only give them a good romp with new friends it will give them an opportunity to discover a play style that works for them, as well as practicing appropriate social skills. An added bonus is new pup parents get to meet other new pup parents!

Enroll Your Puppy!
Schedule & Registration
K-Play-Small Breed: 11am (Up to 4 registrants)
6 Class Training – Small Breed: 12pm (Up to 4 registrants)
6 Class Training – Med/Large Breed: 1pm (Up to 3 registrants)
K-Play – Large Breed: 2pm (Up to 3 registrants)
COVID procedures are that the registrants will be sent a COVID Waiver/Release form to be filled out an hour before each session. Temperatures will be taken before entry to class.
Classes will limit registration to allow for social distancing. 1 human per dog limit.
4 classes & 1 play time K-Play •• $90
6 classes with 1 complimentary play time
k-play •• $135
Workshop Pre-Registration •• $25/class
Workshop Drop In Registration •• $28/class
Weekend supervised play time K-play
K-Play Pre-Registration •• $18
K-Play Drop Ins •• $20
About The Dog Trainer
Dawn Berry is a certified dog trainer by Ferndog training academy. Her practices are based on positive reinforcement & in training at a young age to create a comfortable environment for pup and family.
She works with individuals & small group settings. She is not only a dog owner herself, she fosters with a local Hudson valley rescue organization.
Her philosophy is a confident, well behaved & much understood canine can bring lots of love & companionship to his/her home, family & pack!